Min kusin Björn skriver en bokanalys av Ender's game på engelskan.
3. Ender could be seen as a Jesus figure. Do you agree or disagree?
In the matter of whether or not, Ender could be seen as a Jesus-figure, I’d say that to begin with, you’d have to consider how Jesus was. If you look into his actions, he was not really a very nice guy. He stole a donkey, bathed in fame, killed a farmer’s tree, just because he could, and caused a lot of ruckus. In my opinion, Jesus was sort of a prick, who wanted fame. Pretty much like the people who participate in silly TV-shows where they embarrass themselves, just for fame and money. Of course, this is if he really did what the bible states, which seems rather unlikely... If he didn’t, which is more likely, he, or perhaps the people who actually wrote the Bible, simply wanted fame and attention, and just came up with these stories.
3. Ender could be seen as a Jesus figure. Do you agree or disagree?
"In the matter of whether or not, Ender could be seen as a Jesus-figure, I’d say that to begin with, you’d have to consider how Jesus was. If you look into his actions, he was not really a very nice guy. He stole a donkey, bathed in fame, killed a farmer’s tree, just because he could, and caused a lot of ruckus. In my opinion, Jesus was sort of a prick, who wanted fame. Pretty much like the people who participate in silly TV-shows where they embarrass themselves, just for fame and money. Of course, this is if he really did what the bible states, which seems rather unlikely... If he didn’t, which is more likely, he, or perhaps the people who actually wrote the Bible, simply wanted fame and attention, and just came up with these stories."
Postat av: Em
Engelska? Alldeles för tidigt på morgonen för det. ;)
Sv: Jag har läst på lite om buddismen och är det någon tro jag skulle vilja hänge mig till så är det just den. Medkänsla/empati-tänkandet är helt underbart, men ack så svårt att leva efter fullt ut.
God morgon!
Postat av: Em
Sv: Inga moppeungar här heller, jag vill bara jävlas lite.. ;D